Special Events
Sunday evening July 15th – Nealon Park
The 2012 Legends are running their first ever raffle and silent auction fundraiser! Proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to support the Legends community involvement efforts as well as general operating costs for the summer collegiate team.
The Legends are asking local businesses and private donors to kindly provide a raffle prize of at least $50 to the Legends raffle fundraiser. Donated items will be added to a constantly growing comprehensive list which is advertised and updated on the Legends website and Facebook page.
Throughout the summer months Legends players, coaches and interns will be heading into the community to raise awareness about the Legends mission and to sell tickets to the raffle. The raffle will take place at Nealon Park on Sunday, July 15th. Those who bought tickets to the raffle do not need to be present to claim their prize.
To compensate for individuals and businesses making generous contributions, the Legends offer multiple vehicles for your business to get their recognition!
Individuals and businesses donating gifts, goods, cash and services will be compensated for at the fair market value of their donation.
Basic Level: $50
- Name or business logo placed on Legends website
- Name or business logo placed in Legends media guide (business card size)
- Name or business logo placed in Legends fundraiser packet
Green Level: $150
Business/company name and/or slogan mentioned 3 times during each home game
- For example: “Brought to you by Cold Stone Creamery. California’s most legendary ice cream parlor…”
3” x 5” advertisement space in the media guide (Handed out at every home game)
Can contribute small prizes and promotional items (gift certificates, products, services…) to the charity raffles at each home.
Name or business logo placed in Legends Game Schedule Poster (300 printed)
Gold Level: $300 all of the above and…
Sponsor a between inning activity of your choice at every home game
- Examples: hoolah hoop contest, race to first base, pick up the most baseballs…or
- Homerun during this inning and everyone receives a free burger
- If the Legends score during this inning, one lucky fan will receive a $25 gift certificate to __________.
- Open to ALL creative promotional ideas, so don’t hesitate to ask!
Legends Level: $500 all of the above and…
Sponsor a Legends Home Game!
- For example: “Bring your dad to the park day, brought to you by Pete’s Pizza!”
Logo and link placed on the home page of team website (www.menloparklegends.com)
- Site receives over 500 unique visitors per week
Logo placed on the back/sleeve of all t-shirts (sold and given away at camps and games)
- 200 Menlo Park Legends t-shirts will be printed
Banner raised at the home field for the entire summer
- *For an extra $150 we will have a vinyl 2’x5’ color banner made for you!