#05 Craig Keilitz – Love What You Do & Those Around You

Updated: January 6, 2016

Craig Keilitz, the new Executive Director of the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA), digs in on his transition from college baseball player to athletic director and eventually following in his father’s footsteps as the ABCA Executive Director. Craig offers lessons on how to be an effective leader by loving what you do and caring about those around you. Towards the end of the episode, Craig offers a preview as what to expect at this year’s ABCA convention in Nashville, Tennessee and how ABCA can benefit your baseball career.

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Keywords: relationships, health, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, meditate, meditation, mindfulness, productivity, success, happiness, bio-hacking, gratitude, leadership, love, greatness, community, baseball, coach, coaching, manage, managing, relax, relaxing, family, stress management, CEO, friend, athlete, lifestyle, sports, scioscia, los angeles angels


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